Fleet, c.1912-1913

He studied painting under professors Nikephoros Lytras and K. Volanakis (1888 - 1893). During the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, his work portrayed the activities of the Greek fleet. A pupil of Volanakis, Vasileios Chatzis, both by his highly-skilled technique and the perfection of his design, and by the free development of his subject in terms of colour, creates a sense of a new form of painting, which, moreover, in some works comes close to the freedom of the Impressionists. Even those of his works with more realistic features possess the characteristics of colour and design which set him among the painters who gave a modernist form to Greek painting of the time.
He was generally interested in painting seascapes and scenes from the lives of sailors and followed the teachings of the school of Munich and those of his professor, K. Volanakis, in particular.