Lands of Creation, A Tribute to Metsovo
Bilingual lavishly illustrated catalogue accompanying the E. Averoff Art Gallery exhibition, held from October 19, 2019, to January 12, 2020, to mark two occasions – the 30th anniversary of the Averoff Art Gallery in Metsovo and the 60th anniversary of the replanting of the long-uncultivated slopes and producing the iconic Katogi wine by Evangelos Averoff. An ambitious art project, featuring original works by 64 contemporary Greek artists. The catalogue features essays by the exhibition curator, Dr Lina Tsikouta-Deimezi, colour reproductions of 60 works, and biographical information on the 64 participating artists.
259 pages, 29x24 cm, paperback, ISBN: 978-960-7694-26-3, Evangelos Averoff-Tossizza Foundation, 2019.
SPONSORS: Alpha Bank.
With the support of the Region of Epirus and Municipalty of Metsovo.