Exhibition catalogues
Pericles Pantazis 1849–1884: Un peintre Grec en Belgique [A Greek Painter in Belgium]
A brief catalogue of the retrospective exhibition of work by Pantazis, featuring texts by Olga Mentzafou-Polyzou, biographical information about the artist, a complete catalogue of the 85 works on display, and reproductions of selected paintings.
56 pages, 29x24 cm, hard cover, separate ediotn Greek/french, ISBN: 960-85143-7-1 / ISBN: 960-85143-8-Χ., Evangelos Averoff-Tossizza Foundation & National Gallery Alexandros Soutsos Museum, 1996.
SPONSORS: Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Baron Michael Tossizza Foundation, S & B S.A. – Parnassos Bauxite S.A., INTRACOM Group of Companies, A.G. Leventis Foundation, 3E Group of Companies, Katogi Winery S.A., Stelios Bergeles – Art Transport, Anthony E. Comninos, AB Vassilopoulos, VIAMYL S.A.