Sketching out Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday – Young Greek Artists – A Tribute to the Ioannina Region
Catalogue of the exhibition of the same name, with colour images of the works by the 51 participating artists, essays by the exhibition curator, Lina Tsikouta-Deimezi, and biographical information on the artists. The book is divided into ten sections: 1. Figurative art, 2. Abstract painting, 3. Geometric painting – Conceptual installations, 4. On-wall art – Kinetic on-wall art, 5. Light boxes, 6. Sculpture – Construction, 7. Outdoor sculpture – Environments, 8. Photographs, 9. Installations, 10. Video installations – Projection – Animation.
222 pages, 29x24 cm, paperback, bilingual (Greek/English), ISBN: 960-7694-13-9, Evangelos Averoff-Tossizza Foundation / Prefectural Authority of Ioannina 2002.
SPONSORS: Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Katogi & Strofilia SA, A.G. Leventis Foundation, George Karavias and Associates, Alpha TV.