New Acquisitions 2008-2021
The exhibition, titled “New Acquisitions 2008–2021”, features the artworks added to the Museum collections after 2008.
These are works of a diverse production date, style, and medium; important works which enhance the historical continuity of the collection, or extend its chronological range to encompass even the most contemporary Greek art.
The catalogue accompanies the exhibition of the same name at the Averoff Art Gallery, which ran for three months, from 23 October 2021 through 10 January 2022. Although most of these works had already been on public display – as part of the permanent exhibition on the first two storeys of the Averoff Gallery, in temporary exhibitions held in the Gallery’s temporary exhibition space, or in other public spaces outside the Gallery –this exhibition was an opportunity for the public to enjoy all these works under one roof and as a way to highlight the importance of donating; also, as a way to honour our donors on the part of the Art Gallery.
The exhibition New Acquisitions 2008–2021 is yet another landmark event for E. Averoff Museum which speaks to ‘continuity, love, and faith in the power of life’; It is also the first event to be hosted at the renovated Art Gallery after the extensive work carried out in the facilities thanks to a grant from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation while the museum was closed in compliance with public health measures against the pandemic.
CURATOR: Olga Mentzafou-Polyzou
DURATION: 23 October 2020 – 10 January 2021
SPONSORS: Baron Michael Tossizza Foundation, Katogi Averoff SA
The topics of supporting and giving were also the focus of the conference titled “Supporting Art Today”, planned to coincide with the exhibition opening and featuring prominent representatives of public and private art organisations, and young artists.
Roundtable: Manolis Charos, Dimitra Nikolou, Stamatis Schizakis, Marios Spiliopoulos, Syrago Tsiara and Paky Vlassopoulou.
Moderator: Irene Orati, art historian