Collection's title
Reading preast, 1917

Reading preast, 1917
Geralis Apostolos
(Mytilene 1886 - Athens 1983)
Geralis Apostolos
(Mytilene 1886 - Athens 1983)
A painter who had studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts and the Julien Academy in Paris, Geralis combined in his work the teachings of the School of Munich, which he came to know from his teachers in Athens, with French plein air painting. Landscapes, scenes from everyday life, and interiors were objects for negotiation for Geralis, who gradually liberated himself from academic painting and allowed the influence of French landscape art to become apparent in his oeuvre.

Oil on canvas
The work Priest Reading, of 1917, is a genre painting work influenced by the doctrines of his teacher Georgios Iakovidis. In the interior of a room flooded with light which enters from the window, an aged priest sits next to a table covered with books, while on the other side of it a young man in a cassock stands upright. Both of them are absorbed in the reading of the books which they hold in their hands. The work exudes peace and calm, which the artist has succeeded in rendering by the warm lyrical shades of the colours.