Untitled, 1993

As an artist, Kyriakos Mortarakos relied on timeless, traditional values to ultimately achieve new visual expressions through continually freshened experimental approaches. The inclusion of personal experiences is a dominant element and the basis for his personal journey over the last 30 years to create works that exude something of the modern, the contemporary and the avant-garde.
In more recent years, the artist has painted the interior of rooms alluding to Van Gogh's room and aesthetic. Though the undertaking appears quite challenging, the faithful artist manages to create unsuperfluous, austere compositions by focusing on rendering minimal indicative details of objects, making them somehow expressionistic and personal.

The two Untitled works in the Averoff Gallery, dating from 1993, are wall-mounted. In these, the texture of the painting, the lines, and the real objects incorporated render, with a minimalist disposition and the use of a very few items, the experimental quests in art of the specific moment. Throughout the course of his explorations in art, this artist, both in terms of painterly values or the incorporation of various relief objects into his works for wall-mounting or his constructions, as well as his other creations, which in recent years have expanded spatially, has, by suggestive hints, posed simple questions to the beholder, ideas which stem from experience, life lived, and his personal observation. The manner in which he handles these simple ideas in his works makes them original and significant products of an authentic conceptual art.