Collection's title

Les faisans, 1936

Les faisans, 1936
Les faisans, 1936
Galanis Dimitris
(Athens 1879-Paris 1966)
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Gift of Dimitrios D. Tsamis
The woodcut Les faisans, of the same period, is, to start with, of interest as a copy, because it is a special essai with some painted interventions: at points on the engraved surface there are corrections by the engraver in tempera (the jug on the right, table on the left), which probably led him to corrections of the white surfaces (of the engraved surfaces). Furthermore, the engraving of the upright wood by a host of different methods (points, lines, patches, units of lines) gives rise to a mass of tonal shades and produces a result in the work more akin to painting.