Bust of Amalia Landerer-Averoff

Georgios Vroutos shaped his art in the spirit of classicism which was brought to the Athens School of Art by the first Bavarian teachers, and extended his knowledge within the climate prevailing in the academies of Paris and Rome, where he continued his studies. He studied sculpture at the School of Arts in the period 1859 - 1864 under Lazaros Fytalis and Ioannis Kossos. After graduation, he went on in 1866 to study at the Accademia di San Luca in Rome under F... Niacarini and A... Tartolini, pupils of the great sculptors Antonio Canova and Bertel Thorvaldsen, who had a radical influence on the formation of classicist modern Greek sculpture. On his return to Greece, having absorbed the models of a classical training, he worked in the art of funerary monuments, statues, symbolic-allegorical compositions, and busts.