Collection's title

Almond trees in blossom

Almond trees in blossom
Almond trees in blossom
Pantazis Pericles
(Athens 1849-Brussels 1884)
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Oil on canvas

It is there at Anseremme that Pantazis must have painted Almond Trees in Blossom, which confirms the new way of looking at nature and its depiction through a luminous amalgam of shades on the pink of the flowers and the light red on the roofs of the houses, on the brown-green of the ground, in the reflections of these colours in the sky. An abundance of paint, applied with rugged, skilful brush-strokes with the help of the spatula, with a freedom which inevitably dissolves the outlines, leads to a painting which is almost gestural, in which colour is the basic structural feature of the picture.